Editorial Policies

Publication Policy

The views expressed by our contributors do not necessarily represent those of Postcolonial Politics or its partner organisations. 

The following terms and conditions cover all contributions:

  • Authors are responsible for the content of their articles, including ensuring their content and accuracy. 
  • Authors should take all the necessary precautions to assure that their texts are not defamatory. 
  • Publication of submitted articles is entirely at the discretion of our editorial team.
  • In submitting a contribution to Postcolonial Politics, you accept that your text will be available under Creative Commons 3.0 Unported licence.

Replies Policy

Postcolonial Politics encourage comments from our readers that contribute to a serious exchange of ideas and analysis. We welcome replies that foster knowledge and advance understanding and democratic debate. Responses that don’t meet these criteria are not welcome.

To comment, use the “Leave your reply” section at the end of each article. We will ask you to provide your name and email. Replies need to be approved by our editorial team before they appear on Postcolonial Politics.  

Reposting Policy

This materials on this website are open-access and published under a Creative Commons 3.0 Unported licence. We encourage the widespread circulation of these materials. All content may be used and copied if you credit the author’s name, Postcolonial Politics and provide a link to https://postcolonialpolitics.org/.